The Consulting Industry Is Fun and isn't Degrading Us At All
Small thought:
Twitter might be “the hellsite,” but one observation– the layers of performance both cushion the blatant status-seeking and encourage an obfuscatory “I just care so much” attitude.
But I’d take that in a heartbeat over LinkedIn, where everyone also cares so much… and you’re one click away from seeing the thing they’re trying to sell you. Everyone on Twitter is building a brand, sure, but on LinkedIn there’s a heightened sense that behind every “X industry needs to solve Y problem” post is a well-photographed face waiting to sell you a course, training, book, or membership. It’s exhausting.
These things might come up at Meme Moments, like the LinkedIn viral post generator from a few months ago. But for all the hand-wringing over how Twitter is shredding our public fabric, I’d love to see more eyes on this.