I’d love to build a basic automation in Omnifocus that allows me to tie a focus mode to certain perspectives. When I’m in my office, for example, a geofence triggers my Work focus mode. That focus mode already filters my calendars (in the iOS Calendar) and my email inboxes (in Spark). When I trigger my personal focus modes, my work calendars and inboxes are filtered out. I like that those hooks easily screen out things that might be distracting for me. I want to do the same with Omnifocus so that I don’t see any tasks, perspectives, or projects that might be distractions/emotional triggers for me.

I assume that this could be accomplished with something like Apple Script on the Mac (perhaps through a shortcut that’s triggered when the focus activates?), but I’m still at the early searching stages.

If I come across anything that solves the problem easily, I will post it here in the interest of working with the garage door up.