Sentence writer/speaker, teacher, and wrangler of research communications at Gies College of Business.
PhD, University of Illinois, 2022. I studied UBI, economic arguments, religious rhetoric, and how radical ideas go mainstream. Find it on the work tab to read more.
Now I write about language theory and political discourse, platform media, and tech.
Tinkerer, coffee lover, board game enthusiast, commander night loser, audio obsessive, string instrument player, 30-200 HZ apologist. Loose thoughts here on class, economics, universal basic income, workplaces, MacOS, automation, tech business, and productivity.
Check out my work at the header links. I include links to my publications whenever possible.
Check out StatusBoard.txt above for a rundown of what I’m up to right now.
If you want to get in touch, I’m at johnt.moist@gmail.com.
Have fun!