• Getting Tubular with the Dayton Audio HTA100

    I’m the proud new caretaker of a Dayton Audio hybrid tube amplifier. I’ve wanted to get into tube amplification for a long time. This solution seems like a great starting point– the efficiency (and temperature) of solid-state power amplification with the sweetness (and warmth) of a … read more

  • Re: Rapid Log, I’ve established a daily log in Obsidian and installed the Actions for Obsidian app on all the platforms to hopefully allow my work iPad, work PC, home Mac, and phone to log to the note. Quick entry with the Stream Deck?? #shortcuts #obsidian

  • Love optimized charging. Sits patiently after gassing up to top off before I get up around 6.

  • Thinking about the idea of a daily rapid log that gets archived every night. Supported by something like a Drafts action that appends something to the end of a note. Maybe a shortcut connected into Obsidian.

  • Linking an Omnifocus Perspective to an iOS Focus Mode

    I’d love to build a basic automation in Omnifocus that allows me to tie a focus mode to certain perspectives. When I’m in my office, for example, a geofence triggers my Work focus mode. That focus mode already filters my calendars (in the iOS Calendar) and my email inboxes (in Spark). … read more

  • I’m USAJobs.gov! I have a terrible interface! My search functions are essentially useless! Good luck!

  • Automating a Music Library Disaster with Hazel

    A few months ago, Apple’s Music app decided I needed to back up my music. At least, that’s what I’m assuming happened. Somehow, by some act of God, my music library was populated with a duplicate file of every song in my collection. We’re talking hundreds of gigabytes, here, … read more

  • Current home screens— I’m working on stripping out as many icons as possible and replacing them with shortcuts designed to trigger the specific things I need those apps for.

  • I’m fascinated by workspaces and studios. I love to see the infrastructure behind creation and creativity.

  • The Only Thing Worse than Being Seen is not Being Seen

    From an interesting piece on The Verge: They each seem to have spontaneously discovered that shortform videos from strangers are simply more compelling than the posts and messages from friends that made up traditional social media. Call it the carcinization of social media, an inevitable outcome … read more

  • This week in TikTok

    File under “Well this certainly won’t help your case, Jim.” TikTok Browser Can Track Users’ Keystrokes, According to New Research In the web browser used within the TikTok app, supplementary code lets the company track every character typed by users. The company said the … read more

  • www.youtube.com/watch

  • Sometimes when you’re talking to someone you become aware that they’re talking less to you and more to the idea of themselves they see reflected in you. Once you start seeing this, it becomes very hard to stop.

  • “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

  • Have you seen this cat?

  • New Paramore Day can be overwhelming, but that’s why we prepare. We’re ready for this.

    I’m not joking. I brought my best headphones to work.

  • Please always remember that the only one who wins is Mr. McBean.

  • My wife picked up Canyons from Young Gun Silver Fox on vinyl, prompting me to restart a quest to get a new belt for the turntable. The belt came in yesterday, and it’s been a pleasure to listen to records in the evening again. I should have gotten to this sooner after the move.

  • I’ve never been more proud of an Arkham Horror deck title than I am for my “Darrell Simmons, the Photographer” deck.

  • “Gentle on the ear you whisper softly, rumors of a dawn so embracing. Breathless love awaits darkened souls; soon will we know of the morning.”